Home exercise equipment, such as treadmills, elliptical machines and exercise bikes, are typically powered by either a battery or an AC Adapter/Power cord plugged into an electrical outlet. Some machines can be powered by either source, but others only have one power option. Each type of power source has benefits and drawbacks.
Motorized treadmills use a power cord, but manual treadmills do not require an outlet. However, they use a battery or an AC Adapter to power the console, but you power the running belt. Exercise bikes and elliptical machines can be powered by a battery or by an AC adapter. Some models offer you a choice, while other models have only one power option. Some exercise bikes use alkaline batteries to run the console, while others require a model-specific battery pack in place of the AC adapter.
You can place a battery-powered machine in any room with enough floor space. You don't have to worry about having it near an available outlet. However, this is less of an issue with specialized XL (Extra Long) AC Adapters and Power cords by Home Gym Power Solutions.
Batteries run out of power, often! You have to either replace or recharge the batteries. This costs time, money or both and it may erase any information you had stored in your machine's computer memory.
Machines with an AC adapter are typically more powerful and have more advanced features than battery-powered home exercise equipment. Elliptical trainers that have a power incline ramp require an AC adapter. Those without the ramp are more likely to be battery powered. Motorized treadmills, which are powered with an AC adapter, have more console features, such as preset programs and digital power ramps.